Top 4 Signs You Need new Attic Insulation

Ecorattic Insulation


The attic is one of the most important parts important in your house. It plays a great role in temperature control meaning that it keeps the home warm when it is the time of winter and keeps your place cool in the time of summer. A properly insulated attic also plays a great role in controlling the moisture level and also blocks unwanted sounds. However, it often happens that homeowners tend to ignore this essential part of the house that causes them to spend more in the future. Therefore the attic insulation is your ultimate choice to keep the functionality of your house. However, here are the top 4 signs that it is time for you to go for new attic insulation. 


The sudden hike in utility bills 

A sudden hike in the electricity bills is a sign that your attic needs insulation. If the attic in your home is not working efficiently, it means that it doesn't keep the air warmer in the time of the winter or can't keep the room cool when it is too hot outside. It refers that you need to run your heater or air conditioner more than usual that refers to the utilization of more electricity. In this case, Attic insulation is essential.

Hotter and colder rooms

If the attic in your home malfunctions, it can cause hotter or colder rooms than usual. If your attic is not properly insulated, some rooms may feel completely comfortable while other rooms may feel warmer than last summer or cooler than last winter. In this case, it is essential to go for new attic insulation. 


Pests and Moisture 

If the attic in your house is insulated or cleaned, it can be an ideal place for pest infestation. The dirtier your attic is, the more place it provides for rodents and other dangerous pests. It compromises the integrity of your building. Along with this, a malfunctioned attic can cause moisture that creates damps. Therefore, if you notice a sudden pest infestation or moisture, it is a sign that your attic needs attic cleaning and insulation. 


Insulation looks old and worn

Sometimes, you may understand just by looking at the insulation. If the insulation is too old with lots of mold and water spots, it is time for new attic insulation. The old and worn out attic can also cause several health hazards.

You can consider these signs as an alarm to hire a professional service for insulating your attic. However, if you want to hire an experienced attic insulation service in Rancho Santa Margarita, you can rely on  EcoratticInsulation. Drop your queries at to learn more.




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